About Us

Welcome to the website of the Damn Feds!

Howdy! We're a system* (100+ members), whos collective pronouns are it/SCP/night/8/&/███.
We respond to these plurality, and ask that you not call us by they/them.

We prefer to be called brainlads/members/headmates/sysmates rather than alters.
We're introject and nonhuman heavy, and we do not tollerate distrust or judgement based on these facts. We cannot help who we are.

Our collective names are Sylvester, James and Dorian! But our system name is The Damn Feds (we're ok being called the DF, or just Feds but don't add 'system' to the end of it). We're transmasc, and identify ourselves collectively as aro/ace, but are happily in a relationship (est. 2021) with our partner system who we'll call TBMS or just [🌲🍄] on here!

We're 17, and still in highschool. Along with this we're autistic, and our special interest is in SCP, and anything SCP related! We're majorly into horror, ARGs, coding, art, and photography. We have other stuff we like, but its not super worth putting on here. Straight edge punk, and actively religious (but don't inherently like talking about it).

Very mild musical nerd, our favorite musical being Shrek The Musical (no, thats not a joke). As a side note, we have two cats who we love dearly.

blood banner

* axegenic is a word we use to describe our plural experience. We have a large system, but a majority of it has gone dormant, or integrated. We still consider ourselves a large system, and see plurality through that lense. However, we do ask that you not use this term as we made it specifically for our experiences. We do have trauma, and our system formed from it but we don't like having that be our sole identity.